If you’re interested in working with me, I encourage you to first read my About Me reflection on success, failure, and learning.

My approach to coaching is informed by my training as a social scientist and my work as an executive. Having held VP, C-level, and Dean roles across multiple sectors, I understand the pressures top leaders face in today’s climate. My work as a social scientist allows me to bring a research and science-based understanding of how people can lead and excel, even during challenging and uncertain times.

Core to my work as a coach is to center humanity in our coaching relationship: I show up with warmth, kindness and humor! My intention is for you to feel cared for, seen, and supported during our coaching journey together.

I draw from these academic disciplines and tools as a coach:

  • Adult Development

  • Behavioral Psychology

  • Self-Awareness and Emotional Intelligence

  • Clifton Strengths

  • Design Thinking

Coaching Program 1: Trusted Executive Advisor

After years of coaching executives during times of change, crisis, or setback, I have come to love the role of trusted advisor. Think of me as your hiking buddy. The person you talk to through the ups and downs of career moments. I listen with compassion and offer moments of noticing. You’ll often hear me say, “I notice this about something you just said…” Or, “After our last few conversations, I’ve noticed a theme I want to share with you…” I draw from my wide range of experience to bring a coaching arc to sort through your thinking and feeling. I will also compassionately serve as a mirror, so you can better understand yourself as a leader and a human.

How my clients flourish:

  • Increased self-awareness: understand what you are feeling and how this informs the choices you are making as a leader

  • Deeper emotional intelligence: the ability to lead complex teams through uncertainty

  • Heightened resilience: The discipline of setting healthy boundaries, routinizing self-care, and letting go of limiting beliefs

Trusted Executive Advisor Logistics and Details

  • The advisor coaching program is customizable in duration, to fit the unique needs and busy schedules of executives

  • Generally, we will meet twice a month for 50-minute appointments, as well as unlimited “spot coaching”

  • This program requires a “launch meeting” where the client/coachee frames the issues, articulates goals, and establishes progress milestones, in partnership with Vijay

  • This program has the option of having Vijay fly to the coachee to spend a half day together, talking through key issues, complex challenges, and potential breakthroughs


Coaching Program 2: The Career Reboot

As someone who’s been an educator, a university administrator, a corporate executive, and an entrepreneur, I have had to rethink my career so many times! Even before I became a coach, I found myself mentoring colleagues on their career navigation or giving informational interviews that kept drifting into career coaching. I love working with people on their Career Reboot!

Are you looking to pivot into a new chapter of your career? Are you considering a leap into the wild unknown, with a job completely different than what you’ve been doing? Or, are you happy in your sector, but want to reboot your sense of purpose and passion?

Aligning our values and skills with a career choice can be overwhelming. My coaching in the Career Reboot focuses on clarity and insight. Clarity is the process of defining what one’s values, goals, and skills are, so that career rebooting is informed by these inputs. Insight is the deep work of considering what makes you feel happy and fulfilled, and how to bring more of this into your career.

How my clients flourish:

  • You will emerge from this Career Reboot with a “Personal Constitution” - a document that offers clarity on your values and strengths

  • You will have done the hard work to build several “design principles” that allow you to approach your next chapter of life with intentionality and boundaries

  • You will experience the joy of having your values, strengths, and work aligned, allowing you to do the best work of your life, without it feeling unsustainable, toxic, or draining

Career Reboot Logistics and Details

  • The Career Reboot program is a minimum of 6 months, because transformation does not happen overnight

  • The Career Reboot works through 2, 50-minute appointments a month, as well as unlimited “spot coaching”

  • This program requires a “launch meeting” where the client/coachee frames the issues, articulates goals, and establishes progress milestones, in partnership with Vijay